5 Types of People You Should Limit Your Time With When Chasing Your Dreams

by Andrew Abba Festus
types of people to stay away from

Everybody has that person that they spend too much time with. That person that stops us from following our dreams or talks us out of taking a risk. Now more than ever, it’s extremely important to consciously choose who we spend time with because ultimately who we hang around with has an influence on the decisions we make in life whether we realize it or not.
One of my favorite quotes is from Jim Rohn, “you are the average of the five people you spend the most time with”. This quote was an eye opener for me. I looked around the people I spent the most time with and realized there were a few that I needed to limit my time with.
Here are 5 types of people you should limit spending your time with:

1. The complainers

The complainers are the people that are always complaining about how bad their life is or how bad their job is. They constantly complain about everything but never do anything about it. Being around the constant complainer can eventually take a toll on you and you will start to join in on the complaints and before you know it you have just adopted the same way of thinking as the negative friend. If you have one of these types of people in your life, make sure you cut back on the time spent around this individual.

2. The entitled

The entitlement mindset has become increasingly common. These are the people that feel as if they are entitled to certain things in life. They feel they do not have to work for anything and feel that the Government or anyone around them owes them something. They will be the ones to try and talk you out of following your dreams.
They will tell you that the Government won’t allow you to be successful and they will take all of your money. This mindset can be deadly to a person trying to be successful. This mindset completely halts your determination and can kill your success in a heartbeat. We are not entitled to anything at all. If we want a good life we have to create a good life.
“Be humble, be hungry and always be the hardest worker in the room.” – Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson

3. The conformers

Unfortunately, the conformers are the most popular of all. They are the ones that conform to the limits set on them. They do not have any dreams they are chasing after and they are not doing something that goes against the status quo.
They are simple living like robots; waking up, working 40 hours a week at a job they hate, and going home and sleeping. There are many people who are content with this and that is perfectly fine. But a person that is following their dreams simply cannot conform to the average lifestyle.
I believe, the best way to go about this is, while working that full time job, put in the extra effort on the side to start building towards something that is in line with your dreams. Then eventually you will be able to leave that full time job and pursue your passion.

4. The party animals

The party animal in your group is usually the one that wants to go out drinking every night. Usually these types of people can break your focus on your dreams. I believe that you do have to take some time to relax and clear your head so you can refocus but going bar hopping every single night is not going to get you the life you are after. It is more of a distraction than anything. Limit your time with the person that always wants to go out because if you don’t you will lose focus of everything you are trying to achieve.

5. The doubters

These types of people can be downers. They will listen to your big dreams but they will be the first ones to tell you they don’t think it is a good idea or they will tell you not to get your hopes up. They are the ones that believe you have to be somebody in order to do something extravagant. As somebody who is chasing their dreams, this can be very discouraging.
You don’t want to hear someone that you spend a lot of time with say something that can kill your spirit. It is extremely important to keep people around you that encourage you and lift your spirits when you are losing motivation. Identifying the doubters in the group that you spend the most time with will be beneficial to you and your success in the future.
“Doubt kills more dreams than failure ever will.” – Suzy Kassem
It is vital to your success to surround yourself with people that will encourage you to chase your dreams. They will be your biggest support team through the good and the bad. Surrounding yourself with the right people can ultimately play a huge role in your success.


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