10 Things You Can Learn From Hitting Rock Bottom

by Andrew Festus
rock bottom
Image Credit | Twenty20.com
Remember everything happens for a reason. Hitting rock bottom is an indication to self-reflect and an opportunity to rebuild yourself. You feel lost and there’s no way back, however the universe can work wonders and it is not over when you think it is.
The past 6 months were one of the hardest times of my life. Friendships that were false and toxic, a family relative passing away; it was a tough time for me and my family. Life took an interesting twist after I had just settled into a different city with a new job. With reasons beyond my control I found myself stuck in another city and so desperately wanted to come back.
It was at this point that I would describe as hitting rock bottom. I grew an attachment to people in the world that are going through much worse than me; my wake-up call. I learnt that even at the point where you feel your weakest things can change for the better.
I was able come back to my home city after gaining success. This is the iceberg illusion, that we all have a story deep down underneath, success isn’t what’s seen on the surface, it’s the lessons we take that defines our journey.
Here are some important lessons that I learned from hitting rock bottom:

1. Trust the journey

When you encounter failure, it is important not to bear regret. Don’t lose enthusiasm; your last chapter has not been written. It is ok to panic about big life decisions and yes visualizing the end goal is great, however attention must be given to developing a concrete understanding of acknowledging that it is ok to fail at times.

2. Enlightenment

When I hit rock bottom it opened up so many questions. I began to question my ego, my purpose, my belief, is this the right path. Life had taken a new turn, an unknown force shifted my mind and I examined everything in detail and soon an opportunity came; a foundation to a new beginning.

3. You learn to let go

It is ok to say no. Don’t rush committing to a decision. When you’re young and hungry it’s very easy to be swayed a certain way. As you mature you learn so much and you’re able to let go of specific things as you know probably from the outset that it won’t add value to your journey. When you do let go it creates an opening to ideas, people, and hidden strengths and capabilities.
“Breathe. Let go. And remind yourself that this very moment is the only one you know you have for sure.” – Oprah Winfrey

4. Responsibility

You accept responsibility instead of relating to excuses and negative attitudes. A maturity level is reached to accept outcomes, identify weaknesses and create a solution focused behavioral state to progress further. This provides you an element of control; you created this hole and now you can get yourself out.

5. Distance yourself from negative people

I began to see who really stuck close to me even during my tough times. You cannot expect to live a positivelife if you’re hanging around negative people. Negative people affect your energy levels because doubts are planted in your head. Honestly, they don’t deserve attention, so focus on you and let go of toxic relationships. When you let go do not feel guilt do it gracefully. It is the guilt that draws many people back. The right people make you feel comfortable.

6. Inspires you to take action

In my experience, it triggered this profound fighting spirit to chase what I really needed. The irony in that when I was feeling the weakest that I became stronger. I accepted my situation and drew courage to take further action. However, this action seemed connected with the universe, it seemed right; the timing was right, I felt driven. There is nothing to lose, you’re in this and I can do it!

7. Life experience

Your outlook on life changes because you know what it feels like to experience tough situations. You know that life is a process and nothing comes easy and you develop wisdom and patience, which is a lesson to others. One of the powers I gained was to visualize success even when I was going through struggle.

8. Human connection and belief

I am human, I can make mistakes, we are not perfect. You are drawn to human needs. We all have struggles and this starts communication with other humans; shared stories, similar journeys, which makes us realize that the human spirit is unbreakable.
“Cherish your human connections – your relationships with friends and family.” – Barbara Bush

9. The only way is up

Every step is a “positive step”, even if you feel nothing is changing. Crawl, walk, fly, do what you must do. Every action counts for something. Don’t let people judge your downfall. Show them a reason that you’re the person that came through a storm.

10. Simplicity will help you move forward

Hitting a low point overwhelms you with compassion, humility and it makes you grateful for what you have. Little means so much more. Simple things like your good health, having enough money to be content are things to treasure.
Greatness will come with patience. You are great person. You have it inside you to take on all challenges. Let’s get ready to achieve more. Don’t you dare give up!


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