
Showing posts from June, 2017

How To Let The Good Times Last Forever

The last few weeks I have had some amazing times. If only these experiences could last forever. Or can they? When we are in the moment of one of those amazing times, we often let it pass us by. It’s so easy not to be conscious of what is happening right now. – Experience One A work colleague and friend got married a few weeks ago. He had been single for twenty-eight years and then at the start of the year, he met someone. Within three weeks they were engaged and then a few months later they got married. Against the odds, my friend wanted to show that even though they hadn’t known each other a long time, they were going to prove all the critics wrong. I’m not sure why, but I was one of the few people that got to attend the wedding. It had been a while since I had attended a wedding, so I had forgotten what it was like. Watching these two inspirational leaders get married was so humbling. The wedding was spectacular and it seriously felt like one of those Disney fairy tales. Duri

3 Lessons I Learned From the Failure of My First Startup

 | Entrepreneur FacebookTwitterGoogle+LinkedIn You’re exhausted. You’ve put countless of hours into an idea that you believed in so much. Literally almost blood, sweat and tears were sacrificed for this vision to be accomplished. You had hoped and expected for a lot of things, and was excited to have plans for the future. A few months ago, I wrote an article here titled, “What I Learned After Opening My First Business at 21.” My restaurant was doing well that time, and writing that article made me feel on top of the world. I thought that it was going to be that way for a long time, yet not so long after that, sales started to become stagnant and then declined. As I write this today, my restaurant has already stopped operations. It stopped a few days ago, but a couple months back, I knew it was bound to happen. We couldn’t keep up with the bills we needed to pay, and they kept accumulating day by day. With a heavy heart and chaotic mind, we knew we had to close it down. I couldn’t be

Milk Inc. – In My Eyes Music Videos on WhateverLife

Lumbersexuals are taking over our cities and OK Cupid will never be the same

Yep. There’s a new hipster in town and he’s been dubbed the “Lumbersexual”. No longer relegated to the Pacific Northwest, the Lumbersexual trend has crossed America faster than, spoiling the dreams of many Alternachics of bedding down with a clean shaven hipster. Yes, ladies, gone are the days of van dyks and motorcycle jackets. Dating sites like have reported heavy confusion by their algorithms. With so much facial hair, the system is having a hard time matching people up. Women, exasperated by the seemingly endless scroll of beardies have turned to *gulp* going to BARS to meet men. Yep, it’s the 1990s all over again! There are many dangers to dating one of these manliest of (clearly ‘self’ employed) men. For one, if you like a little er um ‘oral’ delight — well you risk some serious rug rash and may be wishing you were making it with a brillo pad instead. Second, the average Beardo may look sporty in his flannels and oversized sense of irony facial expression, but don’


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Empire Cast - Body Speak ft. Serayah


Charlie Hoehn’s 6 Key Tactics for Landing Your Dream Mentor

Like many other millennials coming out of college, my first foray into the work world wasn’t a smooth landing into a stable job. I spent a year in a startup incubator before leaving to start interning with a mentor to develop my marketing skills. I then went on to lead marketing for, until that blew up 8 months later. There’s more detail to the story, but suffice it to say that I’ve made it to the other side successfully. Now I spend my time working for myself as an entrepreneur, traveling the world, and growing my site. I can say without hesitation that the key to getting this ball rolling was finding a set of mentors who guided my initial learning, widened my network, and provided feedback along the way. The time I spent with my mentors set me up for success no matter what path I decided to take. Finding a good mentor isn’t easy. It can be downright intimidating to reach out to someone you admire and ask for something. But it’s a skill that can be learned. A lot of



How To Socialize Like A Pro

by Andrew Abba Festus It was late on Friday night. I couldn’t really be bothered socializing The energy wasn’t there, but I did it anyway. Last time I went to this social event I hated it. It was full of pretentious ex-Harvard / Stanford snobs that loved to compare whose daddy had a better car. Inside, I was shaking my head the whole time. This time, though, it was different. This time I met game changers who were doing seriously cool sh”t – cool because they were solving real problems. One thing I find hard to deal with is shallow conversations. There’s nothing better than going all in and going in deep. Ok, don’t look at me like that. If you want to socialize like a pro you’ve got to make an effort and think about what you’re doing. Here are a few hints to get you on the right path: 1 .  Don’t be scared to ask for a phone number Never leave a place where you have connected with some interesting people you like, without doing this step: ask for a phone number. You

5 Types of People You Should Limit Your Time With When Chasing Your Dreams

by Andrew Abba Festus Everybody has that person that they spend too much time with. That person that stops us from  following our dreams  or talks us out of taking a risk. Now more than ever, it’s extremely important to consciously choose who we spend time with because ultimately who we hang around with has an influence on the decisions we make in life whether we realize it or not. One of my  favorite quotes  is from  Jim Rohn , “you are the average of the five people you spend the most time with”. This quote was an eye opener for me. I looked around the people I spent the most time with and realized there were a few that I needed to limit my time with. Here are 5 types of people you should limit spending your time with : 1 .  The complainers The complainers are the people that are always complaining about how bad their life is or how bad their job is. They constantly complain about everything but never do anything about it. Being around the constant complainer can eventua

10 Things You Can Learn From Hitting Rock Bottom

by Andrew Festus Image Credit | Remember everything happens for a reason. Hitting rock bottom is an indication to self-reflect and an opportunity to rebuild yourself. You feel lost and there’s no way back, however the universe can work wonders and it is not over when you think it is. The past 6 months were one of the hardest times of my life. Friendships that were false and toxic, a family relative passing away; it was a tough time for me and my family. Life took an interesting twist after I had just settled into a different city with a new job. With reasons beyond my control I found myself stuck in another city and so desperately wanted to come back. It was at this point that I would describe as hitting rock bottom. I grew an attachment to people in the world that are going through much worse than me; my wake-up call. I learnt that even at the point where you feel your weakest things can change for the better. I was able come back to my home city after