How Anyone Can Be A Superhero And Restore Faith In Humanity

The documentary “Batkid Begins” may seem like a feel good story of a little boy’s sickness but it’s much more than that. It shows how anyone of us can be a superhero and restore the world’s faith in humanity. It shows that the power of good can trump any evil.
Here are the 6 lessons you can learn from Batkid:

1. He had to fight every day just like a superhero

The Batkid story was made up in a way but not really. Batkid had to fight a battle greater than any event that a superhero has to go through. He had to fight a battle with leukemia, and he had no guarantee of survival.
Through Batkid, we are able to see how the superhero stories are a metaphor for life. We all fight villains, and we all have extreme challenges. Batkid shows us that it’s not the challenge you face but how you overcome it.
When Batkid shot into the public spotlight for a day, he stepped up. He had no idea that he was being called to a mission. All he knew is that he had to take part and show the power of good. Batkid showed us that his real mission was to restore faith in humanity.

2. Sometimes we need to be someone else to deal with pain

batkid-gotham-cityBatkid did what we all need to do sometimes: become someone else for a day. He taught us to put our problems aside and fulfill a mission that is far greater than our own struggle. At only five years of age when he achieved this great feat, Batkid showed us that we are never too young or too old to be extraordinary.
Through helping others on his special Make A Wish day in San Francisco, he demonstrated the best way to deal with pain. When we struggle, it’s in our nature to want to help others.

3. Everyone that took part was smiling and happy for a made up Batkid

If I told you that 2 billion people would be inspired by a made up version of Batman, you’d probably laugh. This event happened the way it did because it made people smile and feel happy. We’re emotional beings that are chasing feelings.
We all crave positive vibes and want to be part of something bigger than ourself.

4. We’re all emotional beings that feel something, and we’re all connected

Sometimes our world can seem dark and like we’re all disconnected from one another. Batkid showed us that we’re not disconnected, and we’re all so alike. Deep down we have the same emotions, and we’re connected by the same spirit.
We want to do something phenomenal, and we care about each other deeply. Seeing the happy faces of all the people that were shown in the Batkid documentary demonstrates the power we have when we unite for a common goal – especially a goal that is for good.

5. Good trumps everything else

No matter what bad news we are forced to see every day through TV and the Internet, Batkid shows us that good news will always trump everything else. An uplifting message is all it takes to help us with our struggle and make us see the world differently.
On the day Batkid rose, heroes were born, visionaries came out of the woodwork, entrepreneurs started businesses, and people started working on a dream that they thought was lost. All of us can be inspired by the simplest of events such as Batkids special day.
Think about how you can do the same and demonstrate the power of good.

6. Batkid was serious about what he was doing, he just didn’t realise he was saving the world literally

What’s remarkable about Batkid’s special day was that he had no idea he was really saving the world for real. As the crowd held up signs saying “Save Us Batkid” what the little boy didn’t know was that they meant it literally.
batkid-san-franThe world really did need saving, not from Penguin or the Riddler, but from ourselves and the struggle we go through in our lives. We needed saving from the pain that we choose to suffer rather than fight another day and not let evil take over.
While the events of his day were staged, the reaction he received globally made the world come to a standstill. One little boy made the world stop and question everything we’ve ever done.
Each time he stood there with his chest pumped out, the crowds of people watching on (and myself included) thought to themselves that if a little boy who was battling Leukaemia could save the day, then how much potential are each of us wasting.
Through Batkids message, he was telling us that nothing is impossible. Each one of us has the power to achieve our dream and elevate humanity to the next level.
“A 5-year-old restored humanity”
How can you use your unique gifts to inspire people?


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