4 Characteristics of Extraordinarily Successful People That Have Great Relationships

successful people
Image Credit | Vixendaily
Achieving extraordinary success is not a walk in the park. A lot of people work hard to achieve success but in the process neglect their relationships with their family and friends. In my studies of successful people I’ve realized that although they work hard at achieving their dreams, they also try to ensure that their lives are rich in relationships.
Relationships with our loved ones matter a lot. There is no point working hard for 18 hours a day for many years to climb to the top of the mountain, only to realize that you’re all alone with no one to enjoy the fruits of your labors.
Here are four characteristics many successful people exhibit that have helped them maintain positive, healthy relationships with their friends and families as they pursued their dreams:

1. Creativity in business and personal life

Super successful people show a high degree of creativity in their work and life.  Creativity is developed by having a curious mind and a willingness to take risks. Successful people borrow ideas and principles they’ve observed in different fields and apply these principles in their area of interest.
In their personal lives, they find creative ways to spend time with their family and friends despite their busy schedules. They don’t try to force a distinction between their work and personal lives but ensure that their jobs seamlessly incorporates with their lives.
They teach their kids and spouses about their business at the dinner table as opposed to watching TV, or they ensure that their business or day trips can be scheduled in such a way they get to spend quality time with their family.  
“Creativity involves breaking out of established patterns in order to look at things in a different way.” – Edward de Bono

2. Brutal honesty

If you’re going to be super successful you need to learn to be brutally honest with yourself and the people around you. Absolute honesty will save you a lot of time and money because you’re able to strip things down to the bare essentials and make decisions quickly.
As consumers of products and services, we expect that sales people or service providers will lie to us at every opportunity. However, developing a reputation for honesty indicates a level of professionalism that is beyond the norm
In your personal life maintaining a high degree of honesty with the people closest to you can go a long way in your relationships. Rather than always breaking your word when you promise to do something, try to have an honest discussion about why you may not be able to go along despite your best intentions.
Offer to be available for a few events and give your undivided attention while you’re with your loved ones. You’ll be surprised that sometimes it’s the quality time you offer that is enough to satisfy the people in your life.

3. Prolific problem solvers

Extraordinarily successful people are known to be prolific problem solvers. They know that every problem encountered hides an opportunity. The ability to pause and reflect on where the opportunity lies in every problem is a skill that must be mastered.
In your personal life, you need to find ways to solve some of the challenges your loved ones are facing. They might not expect you to do anything about it because they know you’re very busy, however, small thoughtful actions that show you care and are thinking of them helps to remind people that they mean a lot to you.
“If you are not willing to risk the usual, you will have to settle for the ordinary.” – Jim Rohn

4. Humility

Humility is often an overlooked but important characteristic of highly successful people. With the exception of a few brash and egotistical individuals who falsely state that they achieved their success by themselves. Many top performers are distinctly humble people.
That’s because they know that they did not achieve their level of success without receiving help from people or just being at the right place at the right time. Humility is a mysterious positive force that many great men and women share. Whether it’s being courteous to your subordinates at the office or showing extra appreciation to the people close to you. It’s important to learn to be humble in all situations.
Do you have any of these characteristics?  What are some aspects of successful people that you’ve seen?  Comment below!


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