5 Strategies to Help Build Up Your Persistence Muscles

by Andrew Abba Festus
Image Credit | Twenty20.com
Everyone who knows me, knows about how persistent I am. Sometimes a few people even get irritated and complain about it. I simply smile politely and carry on undeterred.  

I wouldn’t have had a #1 bestselling series, or become a top motivational speaker, or been able to impact the lives of people in over 100 countries if I wasn’t persistent.
Here are 5 strategies to build up your persistence muscles so that you too are unstoppable:

1. Don’t Be Shy  

So many people are so often not able to move ahead because they are too shy. They are too shy and hesitant to ask for what they want and what they deserve and that holds them back.
When I realized this and stopped being shy, my life changed. I started asking for what I wanted and believed I deserved – openly and confidently. I asked people to invite me for motivational seminars.
I asked publishers to publish my books. I asked top newspapers and magazines to interview me and feature my articles. I asked to be paid for what I deserve considering the incredible value I bring to the table. To move ahead and succeed, you need to be bold.
“By perseverance the snail reached the ark.” – Charles Spurgeon

2. Know What You Want

You can only be persistent if you clearly know what you want. Until you don’t know for sure what exactly it is that you want, you can’t have the conviction and the persistence to chase it.
It is like a lion on the hunt – the lion knows clearly and precisely that it has to chase other animals for food and there are no two ways about it. It doesn’t get confused and start chasing every rabbit or bird in sight and is completely focused and persistent about what it wants.
If you chase the goals and the vision that you have, you will get it.

3. Don’t Get Hurt

When I used to make sales calls, some people would very rudely hang the phone on me. I could either feel hurt and stop, or strengthen my resolve, buck up and continue making calls. I kept making calls and got incredible results.
Business is not personal and you need to have nerves of steel. You must have full emotional control – don’t get attached and don’t feel hurt. There will always be people who will criticize you and be rude. Ignore them and continue striving for what you want.

4. Fight Like A Champion

Have you seen Rocky Balboa? It is a movie series I love. Rocky doesn’t give up and keeps fighting; no matter how hard the battle or how fierce the opponent. And the more he fights, the stronger he becomes. Even if he loses a fight, he keeps coming back. Over and over again.
Even if you fail, even if you fall down, even if you lose, don’t worry – simply stand up and fight again. Champions are not people who don’t lose; they are people who refuse to give up!
“Perseverance is the hard work you do after you get tired of doing the hard work you already did.” – Newt Gingrich

5. Don’t Be Too Serious

Persistence, is like is a game. You need to have fun while playing it. I remember when I was 23, and my first book came out, I contacted the CEOs of all major airlines to get them to sell my book to millions of passengers who fly.  It would go on to become the highest selling book in the world – sold at 35,000 feet!
One of the CEOs asked me what is the benefit he will get? I told him besides the money his company could make selling my books, the passengers will finally not be bored and could read the most entertaining book ever!
He laughed and couldn’t resist my persistence and we struck a deal!


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