
Showing posts from April, 2017

5 Strategies to Help Build Up Your Persistence Muscles

by Andrew Abba Festus Image Credit | Everyone who knows me, knows about how persistent I am. Sometimes a few people even get irritated and complain about it. I simply smile politely and carry on undeterred.   I wouldn’t have had a #1 bestselling series, or become a top motivational speaker, or been able to impact the lives of people in over 100 countries if I wasn’t persistent. Here are 5 strategies to build up your persistence muscles so that you too are unstoppable : 1 . Don’t Be Shy   So many people are so often not able to move ahead because they are too shy. They are too shy and hesitant to ask for what they want and what they deserve and that holds them back. When I realized this and stopped being shy, my life changed. I started asking for what I wanted and believed I deserved – openly and confidently. I asked people to invite me for motivational seminars. I asked publishers to publish my books. I asked top newspapers and magazines to interview