5 Signs Indicating That You are Becoming a Positive-Minded Person

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Whoever says that being positive is easy is trying to sell you some unrealistic dream. Don’t get me wrong, I believe that life is phenomenal, but I also know that changing your mindset and seeing the good in any bad situation takes some real work and mental strength. Maintaining a positive attitude depends on your decision and commitment, not on luck.
When I was younger, the environment I came from was toxic and destructive. It was one of those places where positivity doesn’t exist. You know the word, but you don’t know the meaning. I was convinced for many years that I can’t do anything about my life, that life controls me, end of story.
Only the giant feeling of dissatisfaction saved me from living in this misery. Because I wasn’t willing to buy this false belief, I started to read more, to learn more and practice what I learned. When I realized for the first time in my life than I can become a happy person, that I can live with a positive mindset, that was the day I was truly born.
Here are 5 signs which show you that you are on the right path to reaching your ultimate happiness:

1. You recognize negativity

Do you remember those days when you were drowning in negativity and didn’t even bother to change it? It was too natural to you because that was all you’ve ever known.
You know that you are changing when you start noticing a negative environment, negative people and their complaints about life. It will bother you and annoy you. What was once normal, will become a waste of time.
As a positive-minded person, you look for solutions instead of problems. You will see the bright side of life and stop focusing on things you can’t control.
“Well, if it can be thought, it can be done, a problem can be overcome.” – E.A Bucchianeri

2. You’ll cut down on the news

What is the news? Shooting, drugs, corrupted politics? People say that they watch the news to stay informed. Let me tell you something, I stopped paying attention to the news about 2 or 3 years ago, and surprisingly, I am informed well enough. How is that possible? Well, at first, people tell me what’s going on even if I don’t want to hear it. Second, we have social media where we spend enough time to get every piece of necessary information about this world.
Once you become more open-minded and understand how crucial it is to feed your mind with the right information, you’ll spend more time learning some useful and valuable knowledge than knowing what guy died of an overdose of cocaine.
I am not saying that we should ignore what’s happening around us, but sitting in front of the TV and steering on this unpleasant content doesn’t make this world a better place.

3. You care more about others

The truth is that small minds take care of themselves, and great minds take care of others. Negative people are too busy with their unhappy life, their problems and all they never had. It’s tough to find the time for others since their minds are occupied only with themselves.
Once you start becoming more positive and open-minded to the world, you’ll understand that the real wealth, the true fulfillment comes, from helping those less fortunate than you. You’ll understand that there are tons of other people worse off than you, people who struggle with food or water or clothes.
You’ll find the purpose of your life in giving which rewards you with more to give. You’ll feel responsible for sharing your positivity with the world which will eventually become your lifestyle.

4. You take full responsibility for your life

I remember those times when I was filled with negativity. I believed that everything bad happening to me is someone else’s fault. All I was doing was pointing fingers but never actually look in the mirror and see the person who runs this show.
Once you start changing your perspective, you’ll understand that life, your job, quality or your relationship and everything else is a matter of your choices and thus your responsibility. You stop blaming people around and take full control over your life. That’s going to be a moment when you become mind free.
“The price of greatness is responsibility.” – Winston Churchill

5. You understand that happiness is an inside job

This is one of the best indicators that you are radically changing your mindset and becoming a more positive person than ever before. One of the reasons why well-balanced people become confident and excited in life is that they make themselves happy. They don’t wait for this person or that job opportunity or a lottery to give them happiness. They understand the power over their mind.
Once you adopt a positive attitude, you won’t expect others to bring you the fulfillment or satisfaction you are looking for. You’ll become less lonely since you’ll be enjoying the company with yourself. Finding happiness inside of you is the ultimate personal victory in life.


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