
5 Actionable Tips to Master Your Mental Illness and Be Successful

By Andrew Abba Festus With May being Mental Illness Awareness Month , it’s imperative to know what actions we can take to develop more successful emotions. Emotional pain is one of the worst things that can happen to an individual. After attempting suicide twice and checking myself into countless mental health clinics, I was able to finally to become the master of my world. Reaching rock bottom twice, I’ve learned how to become successful in both my personal and professional life.  With a little bit of effort, this is something you can do too. Even if you’re not battling a mental illness, these techniques can work wonders for improving every part of life : 1 . Reading For Personal Growth With so much negative material in this world of the internet, one must take the time to purposefully install positive material that’ll help you grow. Just by being on Addicted2Success, you’re on the right

Don’t Hurt Your Future Self By Quitting

by Andrew Abba Festus Image Credit: Joshua DeVries “Every decision you make affects someone very special: your future self” You’ve never met this person, but they are carrying the torch of your dreams. Life is hard for them too except their further along the timeline of life than you.  Have you ever wondered what the future you will be like? It’s something worth contemplating through deep and inward thinking. When you give up on your dreams and quit, you’re not just hurting you right now, you’re killing the future you as well. That future you is bound by the decisions that you make today. One day you will become that future you and wish you could change that decision to quit. By then, it’s too late to change the past. There  ain’t no rewind button on life. Do you really need to quit ? I know you think it’s impossible and your only option is to quit, but that’s because you’ve reached your breaking point. I’ve been there too. I’ve reached a level of failure that has

7 Principles to Implement Right Now to Be The Best Leader

by Andrew Abba Festus Image Credit | Whether you are the class clown or identified geek in the class, why do we automatically assume one cannot lead? There is plenty of research on the introvert and extrovert spectrum but what if it was about how you lead your team, rather than you. I’m not buying the either-or debate. How you tailor your leadership approach to your people to maximize and leverage their strengths is more important. What if you embraced the approach that leadership is energy? It is drawing energy and amplifying creative juices from a different place. Introverts draw their energy from their inner empire, extroverts amplify their qualities in more populated surroundings. Leadership preferences are neither wrong or better, nor good or bad. Both leaders can create and empower other leaders. Let’s step into the inner revolution to delve deeper into 7 keys to lead your team : 1 . Know thyself – self-awa

9 Things Positive People Do Every Single Day

Image Credit | Do you constantly feel like a bunch of pirates are going to loot you? Even when you’re simply driving down the freeway in your car? Do you fear that you’re going to lose your job and live in the  homeless  park near your home? Do you see how the worst possible thing that goes wrong, goes wrong? Many of us have a constant barrage of negative thoughts that we learned to cultivate during our childhoods. Instead of seeing the world in a positive and optimistic way, we continually wait for the other shoe to drop. We wait to see the worst that can happen because we fix our minds on the worst-case scenario. Not everyone is like this, however. Nor do you have to see the world through a prism of negativity and disaster. Here are 9 things the most positive people do every single day to help themselves stay optimistic about the world around them : 1 .  They don’t ruminate about what happened. Positive people understand that what happened, happened, and t

Don’t Ever Give Up – The Advice That Will Inspire You Forever

Do you know how many hundreds of times I wanted to give up? No, I’m not joking either. I’ve wanted to give up more than you’ve had hot dinners. So much rejection and so much failure have overwhelmed me. These two things have overwhelmed us all. This “life” thing sometimes seems like a joke. It’s like we’ve been put in a racing car, in fifth gear, at 300km per hour and then been told to steer without any steering wheel. That’s what life is. But there is a plan for you and for me. One day I sat down and thought about all the leaders and world champions I’ve studied. What did they do when they had to drive this racing car we call life without any steering wheel? They got in the seat, put on the seatbelt and enjoyed the goddamn ride to the best of their ability. They ran over stuff. They hit walls. They crashed in the rain. Basically, they had fun with it. No one’s perfect.   Most of all, the people you look up to. Don’t ever give up. Here’s why: 1 .  I don’t want you t

How an Ordinary Person Can Create Extraordinary Change Now! – Adam Braun

I had the awesome opportunity to meet with Adam Braun, a  New York Times  bestselling author and the Founder of  Pencils of Promise , an award-winning organization that has built more than 320+ schools for children in poverty around the world. He is the #1 National Best Selling Author and has also been named to Business Insider’s 40 Under 40. Adam shares his advice on finding your purpose, following your dreams, overcoming failure and how we can all make a difference in this world. Listen to the Podcast episode below to find out how you can go from ordinary to extraordinary now!   Begin each day with a completely selfless act. Most of your day will inevitably be consumed by responsibilities, musings and opportunistic ideas. But within your first hour of emailing, send a note connecting two great people who will benefit from an introduction to each other. Try sending someone a book you know they’ll love or text a friend to say you’re proud of their most recent accomplish

Why Striving for Happiness Is a Miserable Mistake

by Andrew Abba Festus Image Credit | It was Elbert Hubbard, the American artist and philosopher, who said, “Life is just one damn thing after another”. Inevitably, we are always going to have problems to deal with and inevitably going to find ourselves in a variety of situations; some of which will make us happy and some will make us unhappy. To a greater or lesser extent, life just happens to us all. The sooner we come to a point of acceptance about this, the sooner we are likely to find peace and more importantly contentment. However, you can’t find contentment by just trying to  be happy . There are far too many factors outside our circle of immediate control to contend with. Even the very word itself is derived from the Norse “hap” which means luck or chance. “Happy” is a silly, childish word full of connotations of birthday cakes, parties, days at the beach and laughter. It’s a pleasant but transient state, fleeting and shallow. Sometimes we are happy and